Soul Friends
Amy Oden
Church of the Resurrection Insights Blog
Matthew 28:1

Christian tradition has long held that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a close friendship. Mary supported Jesus’ ministry from her own resources and is one of the few who do not run away when he suffers on the cross. Jesus loved many, yet his connection to Mary seems different.
It helps me to see that Jesus had friends, even needed friends. He was not above needing support, care, companionship. Mary Magdalene seems to have been a key friend to Jesus. She shared in the messiness of ministry and the challenge of itinerate preaching, moving from village to village, as she provided resources along the way. Jesus trusted her. She was close enough to Jesus to step in to anoint his dead body with spices, a final act of love usually done by women of the family.
The Celtic spiritual tradition has a name for this kind of friendship: anam cara or soul friend. Soul friends accompany each other on the spiritual journey, carrying sacred touchpoints in each other’s lives and helping each other listen for God’s invitations.
Soul friends help me carry my life. Soul friends call me to see myself more clearly, both good and bad. My soul friends are memory keepers, especially during crisis or hardship when all I can do is put one foot in front of the other. Soul friends help me see the big picture when I get fixated on one thing. They often identify God in my life before I can see it. My soul friends see me as God sees me, reminding me I am beloved of God.
Jesus had soul friends. We can, too. God loves us through our soul friends. I’m so grateful.